The Git-based CMS for Nuxt

Nuxt Studio is a new editing experience for your Nuxt Content website, offering infinite customization and user-friendly edition. Edit your website with our Notion-like editor and unleash the collaboration between developers and copywriters.

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Content management for anyone

We designed a way for copywriters to edit a Nuxt website with zero background in development required. Discover a new editing experience with our content editor, media library, preview links and one-click publish.

Edit content like in Notion

Content & media management

Drag & drop everything, from medias to whole sections.

Live collaboration

Write as a team in real-time with our collaboration features.

Custom components

Add and edit content blocks built by your developers.

Publish changes with confidence

Live Preview

See your changes in real-time on your website.

Preview links

Share preview URLs to anyone with live updates..

Draft & review

Review all your changes before publishing.

Limitless for Developers

With Nuxt Content and the MDC syntax, integrate any Vue component to your content files and offer a tailored editing experience.

Customize the editing experience

Embedded Vue components

Edit props and slots inside the Notion-like editor.

Media library

Manage the public/ directory and upload medias.

Website data

Generate your configuration UI based on Nuxt’s app.config.ts

Own your content forever

No database management

Keep your content in your Git repositories, we manage the sync.

Version history

Track your changes and revert to previous versions if needed.

Continuous deployment

Deploy on GitHub pages in one click or use any hosting platform.

Features built for you

GitHub integration

Our two way synchronization keeps your data up to date with GitHub.

Google authentication

Let your copywriters sign-in with their Google account and publish without a GitHub account.


Start with one of our templates for a quick start.

Notion Like editor

Our Markdown editor is based on the powerful Tiptap.

Team management

Invite your collaborators and manage their access per project.

Free domain

Studio works on any hosting platform. Deploy on GitHub pages in one click, set your custom domain or use our domain for free.

Draft system

Edit and preview your changes before committing.

Mobile ready

Update your website with preview from any device.

Discord community

Join more than 200 members. Give us feedback and ask for new features!

Start the Studio experience now

Import any GitHub project based on Nuxt Content or start your next website with our tailor-made templates.