
We are pleased to welcome the UI Pro Saas template in the list of our templates. Release packed with new features and bug fixes.
To ensure a smooth experience with the latest version, please make sure the following dependencies are up to date:

UI Pro SaaS template available

We're happy to announce that's the UI Pro SaaS template can be directly cloned from the Studio interface in one click. It offers a fully built SaaS application to launch your next project. It includes a landing page, a pricing page, a documentation and a blog. This is a perfect example of what you can achieve with Studio!

Take advantage of the preview and edit main pages with yml syntax thanks to the Monaco editor. Edit blog posts and documentation with the Notion-like editor.

We'll soon provide a yml editor for non tech users. Stay tuned!

Compatibility with Nuxt v4 structure

The Content module is now compatible with the new directory structure. No regressions, you just need to update to the last version and keep your content folder at the root level next to the app folder.

All Nuxt UI Pro templates are upgraded to v4 compatibility mode with the new directory structure.

Source code edition is back

edit markdown action

We've decided to reintroduce Markdown source code edition with the Monaco editor. Our initial focus for Studio V2 was to enhance the Notion-like editor and refine it with community inputs. But sometimes Markdown edition can be beneficial, mainly if the editor parsing is wrong. And because we highly value our users feedback and many of you have requested the return of the Monaco editor, we put it back.

Just hit the action button on the upper right of the editor and select Edit Markdown to play with the Markdown syntax.

However, we still highly recommend using the standard editor and reporting any bugs you encounter on Discord. Let's build the best website builder editor together!

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Confirm modal instead of Markdown review for Google users
  • Keep the preview state (open/close)
  • Fix credentials issue with related GitHub x Google account
  • Fix input glitch in Vue component props and data settings
  • Improve drag&drop support within the editor