
Weekly update to address issues and add small improvements.
To ensure a smooth experience with the latest version, please make sure the following dependencies are up to date:

Drag & Drop in the medias library

Many of you loved the drag-and-drop feature in the editor but mentioned that dragging files directly into the media section was missing. Now, you can do just that!

app.config.ts compatibility with Nuxt v4 structure

Last week, an update in the Content module made it compatible with the Nuxt 4 directory structure. This week, we’ve extended that compatibility to the app.config.ts.

You must use the latest Studio module version to enjoy live preview with your app configurations.


You can access and consult our roadmap directly from the main page of the dashboard. Just hit the roadmap button to check it out.

The list highlights the main features. It is not exhaustive and can evolve based on user feedback and feature requests on Discord.

Repository x Project 1:1 relation

From now on, you will not be able to create multiple projects based on the same repository. For existing projects linked to several repositories, you'll receive an email with more details about the migration.

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Binding issue with selects in data section.
  • First level field in data schema is handled (check this template from Barbapapazes).
  • Fix revert medias from review page.