
Deploy your Nuxt Content project with Nuxt Studio CMS

Learn how to deploy your Nuxt Content project on GitHub pages or with any self hosting solutions.

Deploy project section

Although Studio is usable without a configured website URL. You need to set it up to take advantage of the live preview.

Studio offers two choices, you can either take care of your project deployment yourself or use our GitHub pages deployment.

Self host your website

You can deploy your project from any hosting platform and just set the corresponding URL in the Selfhosting tab.

The only thing you must do to enable live preview with Studio is to install the Studio Module.

Check the setup section for more info.

Once saved, if the studio module is detected on your URL, you'll be able to live preview your changes on Studio.

Deploy on GitHub Pages

If you don't want to deploy your project yourself we can do it for you from the GitHub Pages tab. Click on the deploy button from the GitHub Pages section and we'll handle everything for you, from the Studio module installation to the deployment.

By default your project will be deployed on a domain.

If you want to set a custom domain, you just need to toggle the Use custom domain and fill the input. Just ensure you DNS settings are well set in your provider.

Your repository needs to be public on GitHub to be deployed on GitHub Pages.